Executive Program Organization

Executive Program Organization FAQ

  • What degree will I receive?
    A Masters of Science with a major in Systems Engineering .
  • What are the degree requirements?
    The MSSE is a 30-hour degree (requires ten three-semester-hour courses). See the program description.
  • What are the differences between the Executive Masters and the standard Masters programs?
    Primarily scheduling format and teaching style. A group of students are admitted as a class and complete the program together, all taking the same set of courses. Courses are taught as a series of five eight-hour sessions, giving students the same number of class hours as in traditionally delivered three-semester-credit-hour courses. Instructors’ teaching styles will more interactive and less lecture-listen in this extended-session format. Some instructors may use more case-study or other experiential teaching approaches; others may have in-class exercises and group activities. Otherwise, in terms of the courses taught and material covered, there is no difference between the executive-format and traditional-format degree programs.
  • Will there be any international trips required/offered during the two-year program?
    Not at this time.
  • Can these programs be customized for on-site delivery?
    Yes. Please contact the EMIS department chair for details (Dr. Richard Barr, 214-768-1100).
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