Welcome to the Department of Engineering Management, Information, and Systems (EMIS) in the Lyle School of Engineering at SMU. EMIS brings together the school’s technical management and engineering expertise to offer degrees in management science, operations research, engineering management, systems engineering, and information engineering.

With a nationally ranked operations research program and popular engineering-management, systems-engineering, and information-engineering degrees, we prepare technically oriented students to excel in today’s competitive environments.

Whether your needs include a traditional classroom experience, distance education, executive-format or certificate programs, or a customized on-site solution, EMIS is here to help build a better tomorrow for your organization and you.

Richard S. Barr, EMIS Chair


What’s New in EMIS?

Check out EMIS NewsLink, for the latest departmental events..

Caruth Hall: New home for EMIS!

Programs and Courses

In the Media

New and Newsworthy

EMIS Contact Information

Department Office
Caruth Hall 337
Phone: 214-768-1100
Fax: 214-768-1112
E-mail: emis@lyle.smu.edu
» Map and directions

Department Chair
Richard S. Barr,
Phone: 214-768-1772
E-mail: barr@lyle.smu.edu

Administrative Assistant
Tammy Sherwood,
Phone: 214-768-1100
Email: tsherwoo@lyle.smu.edu

Mailing address
Southern Methodist University
P.O. Box 750123
Dallas, TX 75275-0123
3145 Dyer St., Room 337
Dallas, TX 75205

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